These free events seek to celebrate and promote positive role models, the real-life “heroes” in a student’s life.
“Dunkin’ with Dads (and Other Important Role Models)” will be held on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, 5:30pm in the Charleston High School gym. Roosevelt Mitchell, a St. Louis area educator, author, and Charleston native, will speak on the topics of Blue Jay athletics and the importance of positive role models. Following the guest speaker, families will enjoy open gym time, booths, games and activities, donuts, a photo booth, pizza and refreshments, and more - all free!
“Music with Moms (and Other Important Role Models)” will be held on Tuesday, April 12, 2022, 5:30pm in the Charleston High School gym. Dollette Jones, a long-time educator at Hearnes Elementary, local singer, and Charleston native, will speak on the topics of music and the importance of positive role models. After the guest speaker, families will enjoy musical games and activities, an obstacle course, a movie room, karaoke, booths, a sweet treat, a photo booth, pizza and refreshments, and more - all free!
At both family nights, doors will open to the public at 5:15pm. Guests are asked to be seated by 5:30pm in the gym, and the speaking section will start at 5:35pm. Both events will end at 7:30pm.
To promote both events, there will be a combined “Dunkin’ with Dads + Music with Moms" tee shirt for sale, available now for pre-order! This shirt can be worn both nights, and you can even order a yellow cape to go with it. Pre-orders are due on 3/3 to guarantee a shirt. Pre-orders and a limited amount of extra shirts for sale will be available on 3/14. Depending on demand, shirts may go on sale again ahead of Music with Moms.
These events are for all PreK-12th grade students (and PAT families) and their parents, grandparents, or other role models, regardless of gender. All students must be accompanied by an adult.
These events are sponsored by Charleston R-I Title I Parent Involvement - B.J. Babb, Title I Parent Liaison, in cooperation with Opaa! Food Management, Parents As Teachers (PAT), Charleston R-I Athletics and Arts Departments, and Fresh Start Self Improvement.